Create a New Instance

The Account Manager houses all of your instances. Your instances are your unique projects created in the platform. Creating a new Instance is the first step in building out your content.

1. Create the Instance

From the Account Manager, select the green "+ CREATE INSTANCE" button. You will be prompted to name your new project.

Instances can be networked through an EcoSystem. If you do not have an EcoSystem, leaving this selection as -None- is sufficient.

2. Choose a Blueprint

You will be given the option to select a pre built blueprint or "Blank Slate."

  • Blank Slate: provides a Zesty instance with no inherent CSS styling

  • Styled Blueprints: these blueprints provide a Zesty instance that has prebuilt styling characteristics based on a CSS framework. (i.e.: Bootstrap). The previews provide a look into the prebuilt styling.

Next Steps

After selecting your blueprint Zesty will navigate you directly into the Instance Settings. Continue to see a breakdown of the settings and configurations available

Last updated