Adding Instances to EcoSystems
Instances in ecosystem can easily share media with their ecosystem media bin.
Users might have a use case for creating a group of interrelated instances. We call those interrelated instances an EcoSystem. When EcoSystems are created in they can share a media bin between all of the instances in the EcoSystem. The shared media bin allows assets to be shared so they won't need to be uploaded to every new instance in the EcoSystem.
This guide only shows how instances are added to EcoSystems during the creation process.
Steps to Adding Instances to EcoSystems
New instances can be added to an EcoSystem when they are being named. Follow the steps below to create a new instance and it to an EcoSystem in the process.
Click the green '+ Create Instance' button from the all-instances view.
Click in the text box and give you instance a name.
Click the arrow to reveal the dropdown and select which instance you'd like to share your media bin with (ie create an EcoSystem with).
Click the gray '+ Create New Instance' button.
Complete the instance creation flow beginning with selecting a blueprint. If you're unfamiliar with the process follow this guide.
Last updated