Layout views

Discover what views, models, and items can be edited in the Layouts App.

Changing Visual Layout width

  • You can change your visual layout width to adjust the viewport width of your editing experience to 100%, fixed width, or dynamic


  • Visual Layout: This is where you can edit content models or items using the drag and drop interactive experience.

  • ZHTML Output: This is the generated HTML that Webengine will parse if you are using Zesty Cloud with Parsley templating.

  • JSON Output : if you are not using Parsley templating, then a JSON endpoint is generated with each Layout content model or content item created. This object can then be used with your framework of choice including React.

  • Layout Preview: this is a sneak peek of what the content model or item's page layout will look like. As you are dragging components into your layout, the Layout app will generate a preview of the generated content.

  • Page Preview: this preview will include your instance's headtags and JavaScript interactions. It emulates what you will see from your Stage urls.

Last updated